M.Y Ilonka - Seatouch install
Following a 4-week installation Seatouch now watches over this 16-year old's existing machinery & systems, ensuring her 'aches and pains' are given immediate attention by her busy crew.
Ilonka's original DMP alarm system had performed faithfully, but at nearly 15-years old had become unviable to repair. Wanting a local company this Sydney based boat chose Attest to install and more importantly support their new alarm, monitoring & control system. With the boat used every weekend her 2016 winter refit was the obvious time to replace the troublesome system that was beginning to affect the ability to use the boat.
With the existing system still in operation we were able to establish the minimum features our Seatouch system would need to replicate. While mostly operational, It was clear many alarms were disabled suggesting they were problematic. From this evaluation we prepared an I/O list (inputs/output) which was approved by the ship's engineer allowing us to specify the new system's PLC hardware and create detailed schematics.
Design Concept
With only 4-months build & installation time the biggest constraint was getting DNV/GL Product approval. This involved substantive submissions and a very conservative design, to ensure it was approved without conditions or modifications. Happy to say this is what happened, as the system was being built while the plans were being examined by DNV/GL. Obtaining full, unconditional plan approval only one-week before DNV FAT (Factory acceptance trials) were due to start was certainly a relief.
System Manufacture
The PLC system was fitted into a custom cabinet, designed to fit the available bulkhead area perfectly. The cabinet was manufactured in our Auckland offices, and fully connected to the touch-screens & computer displays as it would be in the boat. This allows extensive, real world testing of the system and custom created software.
Requiring three visits to Ilonka at Sydney City Marina we initially carried out teh discovery phase, returned to lay new cables that connect the touch screens to the PLC cabinet, and finally for the 3rd time to install the entire system. The old system was systematically removed allowing us to establish and mark all the cables leaving the old cabinet - so we knew for sure what sensors, switches and controls were at the other end of them. This was highly valuable leaving just a few mystery circuits to find throughout the testing stages. With just one seatrial we were able to calibrate all the main engine and generator sensor systems and weed-out teh nuciance alarms. Taking less than 4-weeks for one full time technician with a second, part-time to assist technician to assist was a painless and on-time execution, allowing an on-schedule delivery of the refitted yacht to here owner.
Project Wrap
Delivering on-time and within budget was all important to this client and somewhat at odds in a refit situation, but its just the sort challenge we enjoy and achieved - delivering when required, gaining DNV-GL approval, & meeting our client's expectations at all levels. We look forward to supporting her long-term whether it be via our remote access, or 'boots on the deck' in her home port of Sydney.
Special thanks to our clients for placing their faith in Attest, and their trust in Seatouch.
For more information on this project, or for a costed proposal please Get in touch.